Category Archives: cold


Train wreck tripping.
no substance required,
the fear sets in,
cold follows.

No amount of heat
Will ever cover this loss.

You try to cull the fear…
But no amount of heaving
Will eliminate the feeling.

Something is terribly wrong.
So so wrong.

Excruciating breath.
You’ve no choice
But to feel.

Your very soul
Hitches a ride with
Every exhale.

Terrifying world.
You try to distract,
Even SpongeBob
Becomes a divine tragedy.

No escape.
Closed eyes
Held breath
Heat cranked…

Vine entwined trees
With roots so deep
Die beyond your eyes.


Filed under anxiety, cold, darkness, fear, hallucinations, insanity, pain, poem, poetry, psychosis, schizophrenia


Cold weather with a vengeance comes creeping in.
I find my ghost where I left him once again.
The grave of years past, the nostalgia of ages,
Many long years nip the corners off my pages.

How many days have surfaced in a moment?
I’m brought round to ask my apparitional docent.
Eternal song of questions are my own brand of mystery,
If the past lives in me, am I mandatory to history?

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Filed under cold, history, nostalgia, poem, poetry, weather


That night; that night, the cold became my friend.
I was broken and I’d missed my train once again.
My coat, with all its holey buttons, did nothing to cull the inevitable.

I wandered–more lost than I’d ever been–into the trees.
How alone I was! No warm bodies, but a bed among the leaves.
I could only shiver against the encroaching darkness.

For all the hours past I could not recount by memory.
Pain transforming minute moments beyond god’s infinity.
The struggle for warmth all too slowly became a losing battle.

As the pounding ticks of nightmare’s time sapped my limbs of feeling
The stars continued their slow spin. Icy cold bore the burden of new meaning.
Slowly; slowly I began a new burning. Cold became comfortable and warm.

In the end I must have drifted off; a smile on my face.
Destined from beginning to leave stiff and frozen trace.
A hunter in the morning came calling for his husky, and instead found me.

Hours had passed since I’d embraced this final embrace, I knew,
So long ready to leave this world and unable to be moved,
I was forcefully hauled away, to lose all control of my fate.
(As if I ever had it to begin with.)

This part of my story so few have yet to know,
I’ve managed to keep hidden that I’m missing several toes.
But I don’t miss them. It was past time that they go.


Filed under cold, exoposure, poem, poetry